Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Teaching A Personal Nursing Philosophy Essay - 958 Words

When asked to develop a personal nursing philosophy caring was found to be the main component. Jean Watson’s Caring Science as Sacred Science reflects this philosophy in which caring is the predominate component needed in nursing. This paper will provided basic information on the Caring Science as Sacred Science Theory. The paper will further provide a personal example of a patient experience in which this theory shaped the care and healing of the patient. The personal experience to be shown in this paper involves a patient with complex chronic illness. The patient had been hospitalized for over a month. Patients with chronic illness and in the hospital often experience feeling powerless, scared, distant, and confined (Kay Hogan Cleary, 2013). When these feelings persist they overcome the patient and do not allow the patient to concentrate on healing or being an active member of the healthcare team. Patients in this situation need caring and psychosocial support before moving on with medical care. However, this can often be hard for the healthcare team. When a patient has complex complications often treating these issues is all the team has time for due to patient load and institutional demands. Jean Watson (2009) recognizes this in her work Caring Science and Human Caring Theory: Transforming Personal and Professional Practices of Nursing and Health Care. Watson (2009) recognizes nurses are often torn between values of human caring which called them to nursing, and theShow MoreRelatedNursing : Health Cooperation, And Personal Philosophy Of Nursing Care1339 Words   |  6 PagesCooperation, and Personal: Philosophy of Nursing Care Introduction Nursing philosophies are used by many institutions and places of employment. It is important that student nurses and nurses read and gain knowledge from their facilities nursing philosophy. 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